Tuesday, 11 March 2008

"Great Teeth, Great Smile"

OK, I got that slogan in a Polyclinic yesterday. I went to the dental department and registered, only to realise that I should've brought my IC. I never always bring my IC, since my wallet is a little "bulky" for me. Not very comfy actually. So, anyway, I still get to enter the "torture chamber". Now why do I need to go through all this trouble? Well, last Saturday, at night, after dinner, I felt something sticking out of my tooth, so, I thought "why don't I take it out with my fingers?" So, I went poking around my tooth and suddenly ONE WHOLE CHUNK came out, and I was like "OMG!!! Could this mean tooth decay?". So then I told my father I need to go see dentist. But then next day, I had to go to Sunway Pyramid's skating rink with some people. So, I went to the dentist yesterday. And what she did? She took a sort of a hook thing and went poking all over my mouth to look for cavities I think. In the end, there wasn't anything, and I'm free to go.

My nightmare hasn't end yet though. Today, I had to go interview two STPM top scorers, and it came out better than I expected. The people I interviewed was very nice, but I guess I'll need to brush up on my interviewing skills eh? I was very nervous at first. Yeah, so that's it.