Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Project JBalls...

OK, don't ask me about the name. I know it sounds stupid. But anyway, it's a new game I'm starting, since I've already finished my Mr Ball. It is a game that my good ol' friend Shamand suggested. I'm not gonna say how I got the name as it would result in a total humiliation for the person involved. What's the game about? Okay, have you seen the old game called Breakout? Here's the image:

Taken from http://www.liquid-reality.de/main/projects/breakout/breakout.jpg

You might have played it before, maybe on the computer, or on a game console, whatever. If you wanna play one, go google up DX-Ball, and download. Yeah, so I'm making one of that, but maybe I'll add more stuff.

Alright, now let's talk about school. What happened today? Well, my class just sat for a Moral Test. Didn't really expect to see some questions asking for definitions of the moral values. So argh!!! Hmm... I guess that's all that's interesting that happened.