- BM - The novels are quite important, there are, count 'em, 3 novels to study. Then there's the literature.
- BI - Phantom of the Opera & Dr. Jekyll. But I'll probably focus on Jekyll rather than the Phantom. Anyway, I don't really worry too much about BI, but I'm trying my best not to get too over-confident about it, which is not good.
- Maths - Ahh... the formulas. Exactly, how many must we remember again?
- Science - Hopefully my brain cells can cope with all the things I've learnt since Form 1. I think there's about over 20 chapters to study, no?
- Geo - omg!! Really hate this!! Apart from being incredibly hard to understand and memorise, it's incredibly annoying. Espeially Form 2. There are so many freaking things to remember. Oh yeah, musn't forget about Form 3. Form 3 Text Book lists out the "commonly" asked places and locations for things like mining areas, industrial areas, fisheries, and other blah things. Note the inverted quotation marks. Reference books are much better at listing out those places, since they list out more than the text book. And also, a lot of places aren't in the text book and those places are, quite frequently, the subject of many questions in the exam. Wait, wait, Form 1 also have the "different climates around the world" and the countries that are having those kind of climates. Easy? Not after you consider how much "ciri-ciri" you need to remember for every country listed out in the text book.
- History - History, let's see, exactly 11+8+7=26 chapters to study. That's about 1/2 the amount in the Geography syllabus. Still, that's quite a lot to study.
- Last, but not least, KH - In english, that's Living Skills or Life Skills or whatever skills. It's basically general knowledge on how things work and function and how to maintain everyay things. Sounds easy? Well, it's kinda easy when you talk about practical work, but when it comes to written tests, oh, there's a lot to remember.
Now, mind you, that doesn't include BI, BM, Maths and Science. I can't remember how many chapters there are in Science and Maths Form 1 and 2. So I didn't count them in.
Wow, 99 chapters for Geo, History and KH combined. 99 chapters in 2 weeks. That's like 99/14 days=about 7 chapters per day. My god!!!
Yeah, so that's about it.
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