Friday 15 January 2010


Ok, the 2nd week of school is finally over! And I have a new modem (thank God!). Consequently, my website is currently down as I have not port forwarded my server, so I'll post my updates here.

Mr Ball Recreated / Mr Ball in 2D:
It has its own cheat engine, ready to make Mr Ball more powerful than he can ever be without cheating! (God mode, anyone?)

In addition to that, there's a new game mode, called "Chaos Mode", which is way way harder than the Impossible mode, which is already very hard (I barely made it out alive without cheating!). But, this mode can only be activated through cheating.

The Chaos Mode mainly alters the part of the boss' AI which controls how rapidly it attacks. It sets the delay between attacks to about 0.1 - 0.2 second, so it can get quite messy. One bad thing about this mode is that it's not compatible with slow computers. Even on 2 GB of RAM and 512 MB of Video RAM, there's a noticeable lag in the game during Chaos Mode (there was once when it dropped to about 20 FPS)

Mr Ball 2:
The Final Boss battle is finally finished. And it incorporates one of the suggestions that my pal, David, told me. Not only that it looked awesome, it kinda made the level that much harder. So far, it's quite tough to win, relying solely on luck (did I mention Random Number Generator). I'm still tweaking the settings to lower the difficulty. C'mon, a game that's impossible to win should not even be played at all.

My plans after the release of Mr Ball 2 would be to learn electronics and how to program in DarkBASIC and C language. I have quite a lot of plans, but hopefully, I can get my straight As for mid terms and SPM.