Monday 19 October 2009

Lasers run wild!

I just recently finished the 7th level in Mr Ball 2. I'm halfway through the game now, but there's still a lot to do. Anyway, I gotta say, after playing that level, it seems pretty tough.

As you can see, the level is set on a very tall platform, surrounded by 5 platforms rotating around it. But, that's not it.

See those rings around the battle area, they aren't just for decorations. They are for making your life harder!

It's recommended to have a very high defense points if anyone were to succeed in this level as the lasers are quite damaging for a weak Mr Ball. Oh, you can't stand still on the moving platform, you have to keep moving. This adds more to the challenge.

But why do you even need to stand on those moving platforms? Well, occasionally, a Power Orb will appear, which makes the enemy invulnerable. Thankfully, the Power Orbs are easy to destroy, and if your Attack Points are high enough, it only takes about 3-4 seconds to destroy it.

The recent addition to this level is that, once you deplete the enemy's HP enough, 5 Power Orbs will appear at once, and you're gonna have to destroy all of them. Quite a simple task, if you'd ask me.

Why lasers? Alright, this question is very hard to answer, but then I find lasers are quite fun to play with, and this level makes the boss in Level 5 (the one that uses Lasers) look like child's play.

Oh, and Mr Ball in 2D is out! The very first Beta version! Though, I don't plan to release it out here in my blog due to some "problems" ;)

Oh, aren't I supposed to be studying? Yea, actually, I should be studying, but to me, Mr Ball comes first! Ok, let's get started with Biology!