Wednesday 8 July 2009


I wonder why I even took up the offer to collect class photo order forms. Sheesh! You know how stressful is it? I had to stay back in school almost everyday!

Oh, you'll like this. Yesterday, one of the teacher's handbag got stolen, and so, the only way the school thought that can help to solve the teacher's-items-go-missing problem is to lock the staff room from the students! Yeah right... as if that will do any help? Because of that, I can't reach quite a number of teachers to collect the order forms. It's like WTH!!!?

I am so furious about it. Well, I do pity the teacher, but still, is locking the staff room from the students gonna do any help? If you want the problem to go away, might as well lock the whole school away since there are so many items to steal from the teachers all over the school. ... Ok, maybe I'm like "over reacting" and all, but this locking the staff room thing has really made my life that little bit harder.

Hmm... not to mention I got "halau-ed" out by the afternoon's discipline teacher from the staffroom just now. I don't blame her, she's just doing her job. Gosh, of all the things to lock??

Somemore, how can you prove that students are the ones responsible for the missing handbag?