Thursday 14 May 2009



Ahh! Spheres are so beautiful. Even their equation is beautiful! x2+y2+z2-r2=0. It's that simple. Well anyway, I won't talk about maths here right now.

Whoa, the last few days of examination were OMG! I have to say, History test was the simplest among all of the subjects I have sat for so far. And in History, Zaman Arab Jahiliah was the simplest chapter among the 4 chapters I have learn't. Not that I like it very much though.

Add maths was very challenging. A lot of the questions were tough, but quite do-able. Then Chemistry test, which I have done this morning. It was ok. I guess all that cramming paid off. I'm actually quite confident with all my subjects right now.

Hopefully, I'll get an A for Malay. I don't care whether it's A1 or A2. Seeing an A is satisfying enough. I'm not pressurizing myself to get the highest. Hmm... tomorrow is BM paper 1, but now, paper 1 is no longer objective, at least for Malay and English. Hopefully, I'll get a nice question for the directed writing section of the paper.

Ok ok, 2 days ago, I played around with Blender3D and whipped out a very weird animation.

Too bad it's only 6 seconds, but I'm still quite proud of it.

It's time for me to head to bed for a little nap. Ciao!