Saturday 16 May 2009


Yesh! Boss no. 4 is done!

As you can see, it uses water jets that shoots out from the floor to kill the player. I know, those things look nothing like water, but that's the best I can think of. To compensate for it's lame appearance, I have implemented a very sophisticated motion planning algorithm for those water jets.

Well, actually, all it does is move around in a way so that it's very hard to predict where it's going. It changes direction once in a while, but ultimately, it'll aim for poor Mr Ball. This adds to the challenge.

But, but, it's kinda easy to avoid those water jets too, if you know where to go at the right moment.

This boss ah, took me 5 hours to finish up. Gosh. I feel like I'm wasting too much of my life... Nah, it's fun messing around with Mr Ball.

Oh, if you're a Kingdom Hearts fan, you should be able to recognise that BGM. It's the remix of 13th Struggle from KH 2. I kinda got it from Youtube, I can't remember who's the remix-er again, but what he (or is it a she? I can't really remember) does is damn cool.