Saturday 12 April 2008

CPAI Anyone?

Okay, my secretary has just came back from vacation and now is ready to start printing! So, if you wanna get a CPAI signed, ask me. But remember, anything that looks good isn't always good. If you were to sign the agreement, you'll face a 50% drop in your ticket price if it were to be terminated, as stated in the terms and conditions of the agreement, written in my previous post. Haha.

Oh, now, about my game. Erm... not sure when and where to start. The Battle System of Tales of the Abyss is incredibly hard to recreate. But I'll try my best. I'm planning not to use Game Maker for this game and plan to code from scratch, which means it'll take me months to develop the game. If I were to get desperate, I'll use Game Maker. Oh, if possible, I want to find some people who can draw stuff nicely on the computer and know some stuff about "alpha transparency". Go google it if you're asking what the hell is that. Why do I want some nice "drawers"??? Here's why:

I'm planning to add some of those attacks in my game. You see the graphics!!! So chun!! I especially like the one in the end, "Fragmented End" and the "Indignation". So nice. Haha, that's it for today.