Thursday 18 December 2008

Just started Persona 3

Yeah, so, I was watching my sister play this PS2 game for a long time already. The suddenly, I felt interested to play it. Well, actually, I saw Youtube videos of the final boss battle, and it looks fun and tough. Because of that, I wanna play it. I dunno why, but then I always love to battle bosses at the finale of the game. They are freakishly challenging, most of the time. Maybe along the way, i can get inspirations for Mr Ball 2??

Oh, and there are 4 more commands that I have recently added into the Cutscene system.
lockOnObject -> Camera locks onto the specified object, but it doesn't follow the object like the trackObject command.
stopLock -> stops the previous command
triggerEvent -> Causes the specified object to perform the task that is hard-coded in it
sound -> Plays the specified sound

The camera cannot lock and track at the same time, so if you ask it to lock while it's tracking, it'll first stop the tracking, then it'll lock on to the object.