Tuesday 9 September 2008

Gah!! The trials!!

I'll be sitting for my second trial exam tomorrow. Well, I'm not as nervous as the mid-terms or the first trials because this one doesn't have Paper 2 for BI and BM. But too me, that's not a good thing. I know, Paper 2 (Composition) can be very torturous, but it's vital that I can do well in my Paper 2 since most of the points come from, yep, you've guessed it, Paper 2!! Tomorrow is Science. Hopefully it'll be easy.

Yesterday, I was busy watching Brainiac: Science Abuse. It's a UK Science show. I wonder why ASTRO doesn't show it here. Yeah, I watched it in Youtube and it was amazing! It's a fun video to watch to learn Science. Trust me. It's incredibly interesting. They even electrocute celebrities, but it's not the harmful type of electrocution lah. Oh oh, and erm... if a civil war were to break out, and you are in the office, your best shields against a flying crossbow bolt is a bundle of papers and an LCD Screen!! Lol! Or if you are in the kitchen, the wok is very good, if the enemies are using longbows and cross bows lah, not very sure for guns though.

In the meantime, I've been searching the net the past few days just to find good tutorials on HLSL, or High Level Shader Language. I need to learn it if I want to learn the XNA Framework to make games. But then, most of the tutorials I found aren't really what I'm looking for. Sigh... Anyway, what's HLSL? According to Wikipedia:
The High Level Shader Language or High Level Shading Language (HLSL) is a proprietary shading language developed by Microsoft for use with the Microsoft Direct3D API
I'm not sure how to explain it, but it has something to do with telling the GPU on the video card how you want to draw the 3D Models onto the screen. Anyway, it's very cool! There are tons of effects you could do with HLSL. At first, I started learning DirectX, you know, the thing you have on your Microsoft Windows computer to run games? Yeah, I gave up learning DirectX when I saw this XNA Framework. It sounded interesting, so I started learning about it. Actually, I have no intention to learn the HLSL, because while I was using DirectX, you can just draw 3D shapes onto the screen easily without it. However, in XNA, you need HLSL just to draw the simplest 3D Triangle. If I'm making a 2D game, then yeah, I don't need HLSL, but then I'm more focused on making 3D games.

I have got to start saving money since the books about the XNA Framework doesn't come cheap. The last time I saw one was over RM130+! My jaws dropped when I saw that. I really wanted it!!

I apologize for sounding so geeky. It's just that I love programming a lot!! It's fun and quite satisfying when you see your program works out. Anyway, I've got to bring in the clothes. Gosh, house chores. How I hate them. But without them, the house would be a mess. Well, everything has its own pros and cons I guess. See ya!