Monday 15 September 2008

What happened today leh?

Today, I had my Geo and English test. Geography was okay, same goes of English. It wasn't too hard and it wasn't too easy. But Geography was more towards the Hard zone rather than the comfort zone. So, after I finished my English test, I thought of Mr Ball 2. Yeah I know, I just love my Mr Ball!

I should start coding the base for Mr Ball Arena 2 now actually, but I'm really tired. I'm gonna nap for a while after this.

First things first, I'm gonna model all the objects in the game first. Gosh, 3D Modeling! I'm never good at it, but it's incredibly fun! Instead of painting on a flat canvas, you are painting in a virtual world!

Then, there's the texturing... That's the not fun part. Sigh... There's gonna be a lot of 3D Models in the coming game. I'll try my best to use smaller music files so that it won't be so large.