Wednesday 15 October 2008

5,6 Pick up the sticks

Maths and History was somewhat easy today. A lot of what I feared did not turn up in the History test. I'm so relieved the History test is, erm... history!!

So, let's continue the epic battle between Bee Lee and PMR. Bee Lee seems to be getting a lot of pummeling today:

PMR: Hmm... very good, but not good enough. Trigonometric Beam!
Bee Lee: Eeek!! -4267 HP CRITICAL HIT!
Bee Lee's unconscious.
--Reverse Doll*(see below for details) was equipped--
Bee Lee regained consciousness.
PMR: Blah. You will perish! AURORA BEAM*!
Bee Lee: Zzzz... -912 HP Sleep!
PMR: Hahaha! Think you're so smart now huh? You'll soon be history! Muahahaha!
PMR unleashes a hi-ougi
PMR: Now, prepare to meet your demise, History Paper!
Time Stop effects wore off. Bee Lee regained consciousness.
Bee Lee: Not so fast!
Bee Lee unleashes a hi-ougi.
Bee Lee: Super Choose-an-answer Laser Beam!
Super Choose-an-answer Laser Beam chose all 60 answers and burned the History Paper.
PMR: Ugh!! -1342 HP
Bee Lee: Too bad, eh? Protractor Slicer!!
PMR: Arrrrggghhh!! -2024 HP

Too be continued...

*Reverse Doll is an item (accessory) that can be equipped onto a character in the Tales of Phantasia RPG. It allows the person who have just died to be revived immediately. Most of the time, after it has taken effect, it'll disintegrate.

*Aurora Beam is an enemy attack in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. It can cause the victim to fall asleep, unless he/she has the charm for that ailment.

*Time stop is a hi-ougi from the Tales of the Abyss, and probably many other Tales of games as well. It, like what the name says, stops the time temporarily during the battle, allowing the user and his party to move around and slash enemies up without worrying about risk of getting counter-attacked.