Wednesday 8 October 2008

Build in Time is so fun!

Unfortunately, I couldn't record the game for you. You've just got to look for it to see how fun it is! While recording, my computer crashed and burned. Gahh! Stupid Blue screen of death!

Anyway, I watched The Elegant Universe in Discovery Science last night, and it was cool! I didn't know quantum mechanics was so interesting, even though is quite hard to understand. At first, Einstein's theory of relativity equations seem to explain everything in the universe. But once Quantum physics was introduced, the theories totally contradicts Einstein's theory of relativity because his theory couldn't really explain how subatomic particles work because they are so freaking small. Well, at least, that's what I understand from the program in TV. I have no basic idea on how all those theories work.

The equations of quantum mechanics are supposed to explain everything about the universe. Same goes for Einstein's general theory of relativity. But, there should be only one way which can describe everything in the universe. Introducing, the string theory. It basically says that all particles in the universe consist of little vibrating strings. Their vibration patterns are unique and describes what kind of particle it is, like how a vibrating violin string describes a musical note. However, this theory is still quite controversial. And if strings like those explained really exist, it'll be impossible to test it, since they'll be super tiny. Come on, we can't even see sub atomic particles yet. Theoretical physicists are now trying to find out the grand unified field theory to really clump up all those theories to totally describe the universe and, probably, beyond.

Obviously, I'm not a professor or anything. And this is just what I understand from the TV program. So what I said may have many errors.

Right, let's skip those things and talk about what happened in school. Okay fine, nothing much happened in school. There weren't any lesson, just a whole day of free periods!! Hahahaha!

And and, I just got back my new monitor, or rather, my old monitor. My other monitor died. I guess the CRT got some problem displaying images. So, all the things on screen gets clumped up at the bottom of the monitor screen. Kinda scared me at first. When it first started happening, I immediately pressed the Power button and turned off the socket, fearing that it'll smoke up. Lol!