Friday 17 October 2008

9,10 A big fat hen

The end of Geography marks the end of PMR for all Form 3s. The boss battle is finally over. Let's see what happened:

Bee Lee: Hahaha, there's no way you're gonna beat me with that kind of health.
PMR: Ugh! .....*giggle giggle*
Bee Lee: Errr...
PMR: You think you can win me? ...Invigilators, I summon thee! Bring destruction to all who'd be my enemies, for all eternity!

3 Invigilators and 1 Zombie Invigilator appeared.
PMR is invulnerable

Bee Lee: Damn you!! That's not fair!
PMR: Hello, villain!!?? *points towards self* I don't need to be fair.
Bee Lee: Fine whatever. I shall use this, Spy Lens!
Bee Lee uses Spy Lens


HP: 4500
Att: 100
Def: 50
Strengths: Fire, Water, Skillful in Catching Cheaters
Weakness: Dark

Zombie Invigilator:

HP: 6000
Att: 300
Def: 100
Strengths: Fire, Water, Skillful in Catching Cheaters
Weakness: Light

Bee Lee:O...kay.... Nevermind. Erm... Ah, I know
Bee Lee unleashes a hi-ougi
Bee Lee:Holy Bible of Knowledge* (please see below)
Invigilators: -210HP
Invigilator 1: X-Ray eye!
Bee Lee: -415HP
Invigilator 2: You-Cheater attack
Bee Lee: Since when did I cheat in PMR? -523HP
Invigilator 3: Don't-Run-In-The-Hall attack!
Bee Lee: -153HP
Bee Lee: What kind of attack is that?
Invigilator 3: Sorry, but my other 2 pals just taken all the good bits!
PMR: Die, Bee Lee! Panic Bomb!!
Bee Lee: Hah! You missed me! Time to wipe out all your minions! Dark Force!
PMR is vulnerable.
PMR: Oh you $#&*%! You will never stop me. NEVER!
PMR unleashes a hi-ougi.
PMR: Eraser of Extermination!!!
Bee Lee: ARRRRRRRGGHHH!!!! My answers!!
Bee Lee's answer sheet has been wiped out. Bee Lee reshades all the answers
PMR: Hmm... look at the time, you've got only 30 seconds left.
Bee Lee: Are you mad? There's still half-an-hour left. *shade shade shade*
PMR: Well, it won't be after I cast a spell. I call upon the heavens and the earth, give me the power of time and space manipulation!
*special effects, yada yada*
PMR: Ahh!! I feel a very strong power within me!! Hahaha! I'm so powerful!
Bee Lee: *shade shade*
PMR: Hey, did you even listen to me? Sheesh, sometimes these things just annoy me. Anyway, Forward The Time!!!
Bee Lee has 30 seconds left
Bee Lee: Oh no!! Eh, wait, I have an Hourglass!
Bee Lee uses Hourglass. The time stopped
Bee Lee: *shade shade shade*
Hourglass wears out
PMR: What? You've finished??
Bee Lee: Hmph. Pass Up!
Bee Lee passed up his answer sheet.
Bee Lee: Sigh... that line's kinda getting old already, no?
Bee Lee: Okay, I'm getting seriously annoyed with that line. Who's the one typing this? Just end PMR's life already lah!
Writer: Bee Lee, it's for "dramatic" effect.
Bee Lee: *stares at the writer with that "look"*
Writer: Alright, fine fine. PMR, go die lah you.
PMR poofed.
Writer: Happy?

The end.

*Please note that the Holy Bible of Knowledge does not refer to any bible that are used for religious purposes. So don't criticise me about insulting any religion or anything okay. In this "battle", that Holy Bible of Knowledge refers to Text Books.