Friday 24 October 2008

A "jogging" trip!

So, Hon-Son and I were having our usual jog around the neighbourhood. Like what we always did, we went friend's house hunting. First, we went to Jun Ray's house. We invited him to join us, and join us he did. Next, we walked all the way to Pei Jiun's house. Before that, we stopped by at Wai Phun's house (erm... I hope I have spelled the name correctly, :P). I yelled out his name, no response. Anyway, on to Pei Jiun's house. Hon-Son, Jun Ray and I were like wondering who would go to the front door and ask whether Pei Jiun is in. Everyone (except me) insisted that I go because I have the "guts". Yeah right!! Anyway, I did what I had to do.

Took out my hand phone and dialed. You see, you see how I added suspense in my post?? Lol!! Okay, I know is lame. Anyway, back to the story.

I dialed Pei Jiun's cellphone. No answer. Called Shan Min to ask for Pei Jiun's house number. Then called Pei Jiun's house. Then a lady picked up. I asked "May I speak to Pei Jiun please?". It is followed by a very short silence. Then she spoke to me in Mandarin. Well, I understand a bit, only the part where she said "Pei Jiun bu zhai". So, then I said "thank you" and went off. We then thought of walking to Kai Leong's house.

Okay, it was further than we thought it would be. It was in SS2! Yeah, so I called Kai Leong to ask for his house address. We walked all the way there, then, we were greeted by his sister. It seems that Kai Leong hasn't finish bathing. Sigh... so we walked all the way back home. It's a 1/2 hour walk. But it's still a good exercise though.

Just now I went can rings hunting with Audrey, William, Jia Tern, Jun Ray, David and Chia Sing. It was fun, unless you want to count in the horrible encounters with creepy crawlies!! Ewww! And it's all stinky. I don't even want to think how long th cans have been kept there. The Soya Bean grosses me out the most. I mean, it turned into Bean Curd (Tou fu)!!!!! OMG!! And it stinks! Whoa, luckily I have gloves!

I just only came back and now I seriously need to use the toilet!! It's gonna be a big one!