Thursday 30 October 2008

Kitchen O Pank working! Well, sort of

My favourite game, Kitchen O Pank is erm... well working i guess. It's damn hard finding for the right plugin to play the game. Too bad though, after all that searching and configuring, it's damn glitchy. Once I finished the first level, the scoreboard refuses to load. Blah it!!!

Anyway, my progress in Mr Ball 2.
Okay, so here's a list of what I have done for Mr Ball:
  • Movement and Jumping
  • Gravity
  • HP, MP (may be renamed later) and Power gauge system
  • Modeled the water cannon for Mr Ball, but haven't program it yet
  • More importantly, I've finished the camera, but it still lacks some features, like locking on to the enemy
And here's the task I'm supposed to finish by the end of today:
  • Get the water gun ready
  • Add the tendency to be pushed away by enemy attacks for Mr Ball
  • Create the overlay object to draw the gauges onto the screen
  • Create the damage display (the number that floats above the character after getting hit)
I'll probably create more textures for Mr Ball. Because I want Mr Ball to erm... show a different expression when getting hit rather than smiling all the time. Come on, isn't weird to smile when getting slashed by hundreds of spears?

I'm also currently planning a very stupid yet simple storyline for the game. So there's gonna be dialogues. I might voice the dialogues but that would mean adding more loading time to the game.

Oh, and the controls are very different now. It relies more on the mouse. Keyboard alone is not enough. You use the mouse to look around, something like a First person shooter, but this is third person. Anyway, they are just similar. Like FPS, Left click is to shoot. The [CTRL] on the keyboard works too. The right click makes Mr Ball jumps. Alternatively, you can use [Space] for that. The directional keys allows Mr Ball to move. It is no longer WASD keys like in the first installment.