Friday 31 October 2008

So far so good

Mr Ball is coming along great. The targeting system has been rewritten. It's not like the old lock-on system which requires you to press T to lock on to the enemy. Now, you can only target the closest enemy. So, you've got to approach them. Not good for Mr Ball eh? Another thing, this time it won't be the T on the keyboard which activates the targeting system. Just turn the mouse wheel. Move the mouse wheel forward to lock on, move backward to free the camera, ie, stop targeting. I've done this because I want most of the game play to rely mostly on the mouse.

So, I have utilised the whole mouse.
  • Left click - shoot
  • Right click - jump
  • Move the mouse - move the camera
  • Middle click (clicking the mouse wheel, usually) - Zooms in or out from Mr Ball. Zooming out lets you see more things around Mr Ball.
  • Mouse wheel - targets highlighted enemy.
To know that you will be targeting the right enemy, just move close to it and a ring will appear below the enemy. Here's a picture, with a dummy boss (well, actually 2) to test the targeting system:

There he is, closing in onto the enemy, and the highlight ring appears. Notice, the enemy's life bar is also "highlighted". Don't ask why I named the bosses Diamond instead of erm... black hole. It's just for testing.So, I've moved my mouse wheel forward. The ring turns read, indicating that I'm locking onto it. Now, you can keep targeting it no matter how far away it is, until you disable the lock-on.

So far, I haven't modeled any bosses yet. Sigh... but at least, I can start making the first level soon. Right after I finish the overlay object (the object that displays the status of Mr Ball and the enemies on the screen). It's not really done yet.

Hmm... cutscenes. I'm thinking how I should do it. It's gonna be one heck of a challenge.

Sadly, there isn't any Sound effects yet.