Thursday 16 October 2008

7,8 Lay them straight

Wow, KH was totally easy. I'm so happy there weren't many questions about sewing. Tomorrow's the last day! I can't wait for it to end!!

Let's resume the battle between Bee Lee and PMR:

Bee Lee: Heal!! +4167HP
PMR: LED Beam!!
Bee Lee: Uweeek! My eyes!! -781HP
Bee Lee is blinded
Bee Lee: Blah you!! 2B Pencils of Death!
PMR: Hahaha! You're gonna fail! O mighty Transistor, unleash my fury!!
PMR unleashes a hi-ougi
Bee Lee: Eekk! -2134HP
Bee Lee: I could sure use some of these, Remedy Bottle!
Bee Lee has recovered from blindness.
PMR: Power up! Att +12
Bee Lee: How about this, KH Text Book attack!

To be continued...