Tuesday 21 October 2008

Crying makes you look weak?

Most of us were told that crying shows that you're not tough. I agree with that. But, if you look the other side, crying has a lot of benefits. It cleans your eyes, moisten your eyes and most importantly, relieves stress. When you are stressed, the best thing you should do is to talk about it to your parents or whoever who wants to listen to your problem. Hugging is also a good way to relief stress. Studies have shown that people who live most of their lives with someone they love has a lower chance of getting heart attack from stress than people who live alone and isolated from the world! But that's another story.

Let's get back to the subject. These days, many tough parents are taking the freedom to cry out of their kids, especially the guys, just to teach them to be tough people. They should know that young kids are sensitive people. Sure it's good to toughen them up, but when doing so, parents should know their limits.

What I think about this is that crying may be one of the factors that lead to crimes and things like that. I mean, if you don't let some one cry to relief his stress every day, in the end, he'll be so pressured until finally, he couldn't take it any longer and let out all his anger by doing crimes and blah.

Some tough guys do cry once in a while too, just that you don't see them crying.

Learning to control crying is also vital. You don't wanna cry the whole day, now do you? If you feel too stressed out and you want to have a good cry, let it out, until you're okay already and stop. After that wash your face as your face can get a little sticky after that.

And one last thing. Don't cry for small things. It's ridiculous. If you want to avoid crying, learn to tolerate. Toleration is the key to avoid crying.

Just to let you know, this is just my opinion. Don't criticise me or anything just because you don't have the same opinion as me. I admit, I'm a crybaby myself, because of my sensitivity. It's okay to cry once in a while. But when you cry, make sure it's for the right reasons and cry at the right moment. A meaningless cry at a wrong time won't do you any good except humiliate yourself.

Leaving that aside....

I can finally focus more of my time in finishing Mr Ball 2. I haven't started yet, but I'm gonna start soon. I've planned out my flow chart for Mr Ball 2 already:
So, there are two types of characters, Good and Bad ones. The good one is obviously Mr Ball. The bad ones, I'm not gonna list it out here. And, I'm not gonna add the level skipping thingie to the game because this time, you can save your game (hopefully). And it's going to have some sort of a storyline, so, skipping levels would ruin the "fun and joy" of the game (like it has fun and joy *rolls eyes*). I know, I know, it seems like I don't appreciate my game, but I really do. It's just that it's very lame. Who cares?? it's my hobby anyway.

Now, there are attacks. There are 2 parts to make an attack work. First, you need the animation. Before you run the animation (the runner), some settings must be set. This is the job for the animation starter. The starter then invokes the runner to begin animating. Now, as you can see, the Animation part of the Attack has an indirect relationship with the camera. Therefore, the animator can manipulate the camera, maybe to show different angles of the attack for dramatic effects. In my game, anything that involves animation and camera movement will be under Cutscenes.

The so-called "Damagers" are the essential part of an attack as they define the region where damage can be dealted. Without these babies, an attack won't really, erm... attack. There are good and bad damagers. Good ones deals damage to the good character and the bad ones, well, you know lah.

The Overlay object displays the HP, MP* (deprecated), Power gauge and all the other important things on the screen.

*The MP bar may not appear in the second installment because the only MP consuming skill is healing. Therefore, the MP bar will be replaced with a more "appropriate" bar.

The Camera is the eye of the observer. Without this, you won't be able to see the stage.

BGM, well... it's BGM!!

The Miscellaneous part consists of other things which help along in the game.