Tuesday 28 October 2008

My first fishing trip!

I would like to thank my uncle for this! Anyway, my uncle brought my cousin and me to a fishing pond somewhere near Sungai Long to go, well, fish! This is my first time fishing, so there were a lot of erm... mistakes.

I got my very own fishing rod, courtesy of my uncle! My first few throws tangled up my fishing line. In the end, I wasted quite a lot of fishing line. Lol! It was humiliating. Then, I wanted to throw my bait further, so, I attached a counter weight at the end of the fishing line. I just tied a reef knot. I always expected reef knots to be tight. So, anyway, I threw the bait, and there were 2 splashes?? What the hell? It seems that the counter weight came off and it dropped into the pond. Sigh...

Later, when I tied another weight, I REALLY tied a dead knot, until I couldn't even take it out! Haha! And it works!

The fishing ended at 5pm. Too bad though, I didn't get any fish! It was embarrassing. All my uncle's friends, my uncle and my cousin (who is just Standard 4) got fish! And I'm the only one who didn't get any!! Not even a single fin! Only a leaf! Haha!

I guess I wasn't lucky. Or maybe my bait wasn't fresh enough. My bait was a small prawn. I really couldn't watch myself pierce the prawn onto the hook. It was a very heart breaking moment for me. Maybe I'm just having too much feelings for animals. The prawn's heart was still thumping when I skewered it. It was incredibly sad for a person like me. I almost broke down. I just couldn't bear the fact that I murdered some innocent prawns.

I got badly sunburned during the fishing trip. You can definitely see the tan line on my arm right now. I'm fearing my skin would peel later. It's gonna be unpleasant.

The next day, I went to watch High School Musical 3! Wheee! It was quite nice lah. To me, I prefer the 2nd one. The songs were okay. Hey. you can't blame me for being such a big HSM fan, right?