Tuesday 7 October 2008


PMR is coming closer and closer every second. This is it! Another boss battle in this game of life. Too bad though, it's not like any other games where you could restart over after you game over.

As far as I know, the world stock market is going down. I'm not very sure how does the stock market works, but to me, this doesn't sound like a good news. Is this a warning sign of an imminent Zaman Kemelesetan Ekonomi Dunia No. 2? The first zaman kemelesetan ekonomi (the Great Depression) already caused quite a lot of problems, according to my History Book.

The Great Depression started on October 24, 1929, the day Wall Street crashed. I better not blab too much about these things as I have no idea how stock markets work.

Anyway, I'm getting another stupid ulcer, just right after my previous ulcer recovered. Argh!! I'm really annoyed! Why am I having so many ulcers lately? Maybe it's due to stress? From some sources, stress may be one of the factors that cause aphtous stomatitis. That's just a fancy name for mouth ulcer.

Hmm... before I start studying for today, time to go play Build In Time. It's a clicking game, where you must build homes for your customers. Your customers will ask for a specific house, wall painting, garages and other add-ons and you've got to build for them. The longer they wait, the less they will pay. It's very fun.