Wednesday 29 October 2008

Couldn't get GM7

I'm trying my best to get Game Maker 7 Pro, but I just can't pay USD 20 for that. So, I'm sticking back to Game Maker 6 to make Mr Ball 2. I know that it wouldn't really work on Vista, but apparently the creator of Game Maker (Mark Overmars) has made a nifty tool to make GM6 games compatible with Vista, so I'll rely on that.

You might ask, "Bee Lee, why don't you get a pirated version of the program? Like getting a crack/patch or something??". Well, I wanted to and erm... I did, but I'm just not confident that it would be safe. My computer already terkena virus and I'm still trying to track down that annoying virus. I don't want another virus to wreak havoc on the laptop.

I'm gonna start creating the game after this. Wish me good luck!


yewleung said...

yeah i got to play with the xbox =P haha one day u come with us to brandon's house la, then u can also play

hmm u terkena virus? if u have installed an antivirus BEFORE u kena the virus it should help u prevent virus and heal virus...

u can try AVG i recommend it

haha all de best in ur mr.ball game